Hello future doctor,

My name is Ben and you can learn more about me on the about us page. Right now I am looking to help some aspiring colleagues become dentists. I am willing to set you up with a personalized ‘get into dental school’ program, and I’ll do it all for free.
I will make you a step by step guide covering everything you need to know in order to get into dental school.
I’ll provide you with the courses you need to take, suggestions for acing the DAT, interview tips and much more. I’ll make the program specific to your situation. It doesn’t matter what your stage is in life, I’d be happy to help anyone, from a junior high student to a PhD looking to change careers.
I’ll be giving you all of my experience and expertise from years of dental preparation classes, knowledge from working with a dental school admissions committee, and an insider perspective from a 3rd year dental student.
All I ask in return is that you evaluate everything I do for you, answer a survey about my services, and provide me with a testimonial.
If you are willing to work with me, take a small survery, and provide me with a testimonial (including a small picture) after I am done helping you, this can all be yours for free.
If you are interested please post below. I will accept ~10 people on a first come first serve basis. In the comments please include a little bit about yourself and why this would help you.
Thanks and I look forward to helping you.
I am very interested in your help and am more than willing to write a testimonial and do the survey. I am a rising junior in university in the US.
Hey this was something I was doing back while I was in dental school and shortly there after. I’m pretty busy now with work and don’t have time for this anymore. But look over the resources on my website. It should be a great start for you. Good luck!
Hi – I am a rising high school junior at Syosset High School in Syosset, NY. I love science, math and technology and I have excellent grades in school. I would really like to become a dentist, orthodontist or oral surgeon in the future. I would like to apply to 7 and 8 year guaranteed admission programs for college and dental school. I would love to get personalized advice from you to give me an edge on getting accepted. I currently shadow several dentists in my community and I am involved in many extracurricular activities. I am on the Sailing Team, Mock Trial Team, Pre-Medical Society, Robotics Club, Radio Club and Girls Who Code Club. I am a certified Lifeguard and I earned my Girl Scout Gold Award this year. I volunteer at NYU Winthrop Hospital once a week and I volunteer at my local library. I would love advice on finding out about some dental related enrichment activities as well as getting great college recommendations and writing amazing essays for the combined college/dental school admission programs. I think learning from you would be such a fantastic opportunity.